My Books

Dr. Benson N. Modie has, to date, published 7 short books on motivation and personal development, and are available on  These books are part of Dr. Modie’s mission to foster motivational education on personal development, for greater insight, enlightenment, inspiration, and overall effective management of self in life.  The choice of the subject of personal development was in recognition of the ability and potential we all have, as humans, to become the success stories we would love to be and experience.  Dr. Modie’s greatest intention and desire, through the messages shared in these books, is to stir up your senses of creativity and innovation.  No doubt, the unfolding world we live in today paints a picture where innovative creativity is the lifeline, going into the future.  Perhaps more importantly, the hugely challenging modern human lifestyles requires you to be highly motivated and inspired, to give 100% commitment in getting your journey of life ahead.  For that you can lean on the evergreen wisdom of motivational and inspirational books, such as these ones from Dr. Ben Modie.



“Books, particularly those on personal development, are the best friends you can ever get. They are never judgemental nor disappointed, but are always there, on the shelves, looking to provide you with opportunities, options, and alternative views.  They never really expect anything from you, nor will they ever bother you.  However, if you pay close attention to the messages therein, books can help to influence your subconscious mind, which ultimately determines what transpires in your life.  What great friends!”


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