How To Organize Yourself for Effective Living


How To Organize Yourself for Effective Living >>


I have this saying that “life is beautiful when you create your own future”, words taken from a title of one of my motivational seminars on personal development.  The underlying message in these words is that you, as an individual, know better than anyone else what you desire to experience in life.  For that, you’re the one better placed to put systems in place that can generate the exact experience you desire to live.  Put another way, your life will feel great to you if you can organize yourself to accomplish your desires.  So, your desires for a great experience of life are what matters most to you.  The latter i.e. that which matters most, is specifically what you seek to manifest in your life, for you to attain a state of effective living, and hence must form your starting point in getting organized.


Remember that in your journey of life, you simultaneously hold the roles of leader, manager, supervisor, attendant, driver etc., and so, getting your life organized is your “call-to-action”.  Your first step requires that you pay attention to your self-talk to determine what you truly desire from the future, in life.  To be effective, you must make a distinction between the part of your self-talk that represent your ego-self and that which emanates from your true-self.  What I have found to be truly effective in personal organisation, which I have no doubt can work for you too, is clinging to the personal foundations of purpose, mission, and vision.  These three anchor points creates a simple but robust, balanced, stable, and structured personal foundation, capable of withstanding the most beastly of life challenges that may disrupt your journey.  However, it’s your own commitment that’ll determine to what extent your life can be transformed to benefit from such a setting.         


Find out below what each of the three-core personal strategic foundations entail, and how they can be of benefit to you.



(Acts as a natural compass and guidance for daily success and fulfilment in life!)


What is purpose?


In the context of your desires for a great life experience, purpose refers to the aim or intention of your worth.  Naturally, you and I are endowed with a vast pool of endless abilities within.  In other words, there’s value inside of you, which means you are a worthy being. As a socially interdependent human being, you are meant to tap from your natural abilities to support your human relations.   You are purposeful if you set your intentions and daily acts to give value, by creating solutions that meet societal needs, including yours.  People who are centred on purpose are selfless servant servers.  They genuinely show up at any point of social interaction or workplace for the value they give rather than what they intent to take.  To be centred on purpose is a strength that helps one to strengthen his/her resolve to continue with the journey of life no matter what.


Why is purpose important?


Just as the power of knowledge is to give you a sense of unwavering understanding and know-how, to create the future you desire to live and experience, purpose inflates your desire to keep going and never quit.  The term “idle” describes someone who spends his/her priceless God-given time doing either nothing or just aimlessly wondering about.  In nearly all cases, such results from a lack of purpose or clear intent to be of value to life.  Truthfully, the power of purpose is to create a sense of meaning in one’s life.   That feeling of meaningfulness in life in turn generates a sense of importance, which then meets the ever-present human needs for acceptance and belonging to society.  So, when you feel important, and can recognise and give your value to others from within, your life instantly turn meaningful, and you feel driven to go the distance.  When purpose-driven, nothing has the power to frustrate you to the extent you veer-off course or put an end to your journey.  You become naturally set on autopilot, in the direction of your vision.


How to become purposeful


Remember, being purposeful implies you show up each day just to give value.  Seek out first for those little activities of work or engagements that you enjoy doing.  This will include some of those which when totally immersed-in you may find yourself whistling as you work.  Characteristically, purpose shows up disguised in the form of activities that you are often passionate about.  So, if you can train yourself to not shy away from stepping up to engage in value-addition through ways that you enjoy, you’ll build yourself a culture of being proactive and at-cause.  However, it is very important for you to also train yourself to appreciate and see the need to always step up and give value in life throughout.  For example, when at home, make it a habit to pick up the litter, clean the dishes, prepare meals etc., and make yourself available for any other little call-to-actions you can handle.  This practice or habit can also be repeated in other social settings like at work, community gatherings etc.  This way will serve to develop and grow you to become purposeful in your human relations and interactions.  Ultimately, you’ll get to a point where you want to be specific on what you are about in life, what you stand for, what you’ll do and not do.  At this point you’ll pen down your purpose-statement, which from thence will serve as your compass to guide you through the endless barriers or challenges typical of human lifestyles.            



(A compelling picture of the future you desire!)


What is vision?


In simple terms, vision refers to that mental picture you hold depicting the kind of life you would like to live in the future.  It is your idea of how a great and fulfilling life ought to be lived.  Being visionary is when you set your mind on the ideals of what you consider to be the best living experience, capable of meeting your needs for effective living.  You tell yourself that if I can have my life set this way, then I’ll have succeeded to make the most out of my moment on Earth.  Your vision is the epitome of your desires for a better experience of life.  People with a vision hardly procrastinate nor drift aimlessly in life, but instead maintain a clear focus on what they must accomplish.


Why is vision important?


Firstly, vision provides a sense of direction, and hence some orderliness, regarding the advancement and progression of your life toward what you truly desire, as a living being.  Secondly, vision is a beacon of hope for a better experience of life, which serves to keep your journey alive and intentionally active.  In the absence of vision, there’s no way to gauge the level of advancement in the quality of your experience of life.  Equally, without a vision, there’s no means to ensure that your critical resources i.e. time, efforts, and money, serve to develop, grow, and advance your experience of life.  You’ll never feel encouraged nor committed enough to get your life to another level when there is no clear and compelling drawcard to reach out for.  When you don’t have a vision, every social event becomes a target for your time, effort, and money, and you are highly unlikely to make headways.  Overall, vision gives you much leverage in your quest to make the most out of your experience of life.  


How to be vision-led


First, you must undertake a brain-storm session about your future aspirations, and then select what you feel has the potential to satisfy your values about the experience of life.  Make sure to not just think about it, but ink it or pen it, or create a vision board, whatever you prefer.  By creating some visuals and text will help you ingrain it on your mental space.  The latter will serve to constantly remind you about your truest desires in life, whenever each day you are called to make decisions on choices before you.  Remember, every day you get to use time, put effort, and possibly spend money.  You want to make sure that most such resources are inclined toward your vision.  Your vision is a reminder of where you want to be, and a torch or shining star to where you seek to go.    



(A roadmap to the future you desire!)


What is mission?


Mission is essentially the pathway or roadmap that’ll enable you to travel from where you are now to where your vision is.  In other words, mission is how you have planned to turn your vision into reality.  For example, if your vision is about building a family house, then your mission will comprise all the tasks and activities you must undertake to ensure the house you desire to live in gets built.  Mission answers the question “how are you going to get there, where your vision is?”.  People on a mission are not indecisive, nor confused about what actions to take.  They are usually focused and ready to engage on purpose at daybreak, to get things going and in the direction of their vision.   


Why is mission important?


Mission is the bridging gap between where you are now and the future you desire i.e. your vision for a better life.  If you don’t have a mission your intentions to make reality out of your vision become practically unattainable.  Having a mission implies that there are clearly documented pathways, tasks, and activities you must undertake.  This is the only way you can create a sense of forward movement to get nearer to where you want to be, and ultimately manifest your vision.  Most importantly, your mission serves as a conduit to channel your purpose-drive through, to activate the process of vision manifestation.  This way, your life becomes structured and better organised for effective living. 


How to develop mission


Your mission essentially describes how you intend to make your vision a reality.  It is a summary of what you will do, and how, to manifest the vision.  So, you must first make conscious contact with your vision, and then determine what possible ways e.g. tasks, projects etc., you can embark on to make the vision possible.  Lastly, make a written summary of what you intend to do, which then becomes your mission statement.  From this point, and going forward in life, your mission activities must be the centre of your busyness of daily life.  Nearly all of what you involve yourself in must be managed or regulated in accordance with your purpose, vision, and mission.     


I think that our common vision as humanity, is the sum of the conditions of peace, love, joy, and happiness.   Where there is organization, there’s likely to be order and good human relations.  Ultimately, organization and order can pave the way to peace, love, joy, and happiness.  Nevertheless, such cannot happen without you stepping up to lay yourself a foundation for effective living, by erecting an organisational structure in your way of life.  No doubt, your life can change for better if you decide now to add purpose, mission, and vision, into your system of personal leadership, organisation, and management.   


 Do you want better in life? Have you any desires to accomplish and feel fulfilled in your experience of life?  If so, let’s go together and reach far!  Please share your views in the comments section if you can.  Long live to you!


More About Dr. Ben Modie

The core mission of Dr. Ben Modie is to provide motivational education on personal development.  This is with the aim to inspire others to embrace the learning process, so they can develop and grow themselves to live a structured life that is anchored on personal strategic foundations, such as purpose, mission, and vision.  The ultimate goal is to foster a long-term, effective, and fulfilling life experience.


Through his life project the Centre for Knowledge (CfK), extracted from a personal strategic plan, Dr. Ben Modie creates motivational content that is provided through presentations, seminars, and workshops at schools, work organisations, and public places.  In addition, Dr. Ben Modie also makes available educational content through books, social media, and blog posts.  


For more on Dr. Ben Modie you can get in touch through email at or  Alternatively, you can search social media @Benson Modie.


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