Three Key Life Distractors to Avoid If You Want to Go the Distance


Three Key Life Distractors to Avoid If You Want to Go the Distance! >>


There is no doubt that every individual i.e. you, me etc., have some kind of vision, and as well some deeply felt desire, for a better experience of life. In addition, you and I also have this need and longing for our desires to last for the longest possible time of our lifespan.  However, and even though we know, without a doubt, that we each have a limited lifespan, we never make the effort to plan for how we’ll utilise our moment of existence.  Now, as the wise from yesteryear enlightened, “if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail”.  In other words, the lack of a documented and specific guide on intention creates opportunities for any and every course of action to creep in, leading to results other than the ones desired.  Notably, modern human lifestyles are ever busy due to some endless wish lists, comprised of items often urgently needing to be drafted into our daily plans.  This is where the unplanned for become part of the plan, which overall does not add much value, if any at all, to that which forms the ultimate results sort after.         


To give more insight into the specifics of failing to plan, and the reality of distractors in such a situation, consider the scenario of a meeting event that has no agenda.  In such a meeting, everyone sees and seizes the opportunity to say any-and-everything that may seem to be related to the subject matter.  This happens largely because there is no clarity and guidance provided to ensure that meeting attendees focus only on specific items considered impactful, in terms of the overall results needed.  Similarly, most people live their lives without any plan or guidance, to ensure they manifest their truest desires of a prolonged joyous experience of life.  The absence of an agenda in your life creates an opportunity to consider what others do that seems common, popular, joyous etc., even if it won’t give your journey the momentum needed to go all the way.  Ultimately, your vision for a better future becomes blurred and dimmed, or even totally switched-off and without a shining spark, as you simply become absorbed, confined, contained and localised, in thinking, within your social setting.


Three Key Life Distractors to Avoid!


Below is a shortlist of three of the major culprits that commonly successfully distract many of us from reaching far in our journeys of life on Earth.  The three life distractors, namely, i) going with the flow, ii) chasing after joy, and iii) binge resting, commonly show up in disguise as sources of support, happiness, and moments of self-rewards, respectively.  Here’s my thoughts on these life distractors, which you may or may not agree with, but nevertheless are worth considering if you have a sense that your journey is somehow not advancing enough:  


i. Going with the flow!


Naturally, human beings are a social species, which means we are designed to thrive through companionship and community settings.  This way it is easier to team-up and create life support systems, to serve our ever-present and growing human needs.  Individuals therefore are always inclined to belong to various social groupings of their liking, which may hold different aspirations, interests, desires, values etc.  Now, consider the example of a person who has no clear, definitive, and compelling personal agenda or life plan, for his or her journey of life.  Such a person, expectedly, will find it easier to adopt the settings laid out by social groupings he/she belongs to.  In other words, if it’s you, it means simply adopting the culture, practices, and values of your social grouping, for running your life, without considering at any depth, their influence regarding your personal fulfilment, and as well going the distance in life.  By doing so you would have chosen to “just go with the flow”, and let others determine the outcome of your journey of life.  This is a common practice by many of us, and even when it’s clear that things are not going our way, we never step up to make decisions that changes the course of our journey of life.  The truth is, if you choose to go with the flow, essentially letting others lead your life, there’s no way your journey is ever going to reach where you desire, because they just don’t know, and maybe it’s no concern to them, given they have their own targets.  So, if you really have a burning desire to stretch your journey to go the distance you must avoid opting for the easier, but non-fulfilling approach to life, of going with the flow.


ii. Chasing after joy!


The feeling of joy is arguably the epitome of all human aspirations in life.  When you pay attention to the sights and sounds of society, you get the sense that people do what they do to ultimately create a joyous moment, for themselves and as well to share with others.  When engulfed in joy life feels excitedly meaningful and fulfilling.  It’s a sensation comparable to none, which you most certainly want to make permanent in your life.  This desire to make joy an ever present and permeative aura is the exact factor that fuels the endless culture of chasing after joy.  Many of us are hell-bent on experiencing the quality of joy in our lives, for prolonged periods, to the extent that some resort to means that work against getting their journey moving forward.  Sadly, and sometimes tragically, many have seen their life journeys end abruptly in circumstances surrounding the chase after joy.  In more precise terms, when you are centred on chasing after the quality of joy, there’s a demand placed on your critical resources i.e. time, efforts, and money.  In other words, joyous acts tend to take up much of your time, efforts, and money, that you need to get the journey moving forward.  More importantly to you and your life, your self-leadership, self-organisation, and self-management, becomes less effective or even non-existent, in making sure the journey maintains the direction and momentum in going the distance.  Notably, and equally important, chasing after joy commonly results in strained relations across the board in social settings, particularly in relation to key life support structures i.e. family, community, workplace etc., which can create permanent barriers to getting your journey all the way.  You therefore want to be strategic in getting around this very attractive life distractor i.e. chasing after joy, if you desire to stretch your journey to go all the way.   


iii. Binge resting!


The wise from yesteryear, once again (where would we be without them), taught that “too much of anything is good for nothing”.  This wisdom tip alerts you and me to understand and appreciate the reality that there are many aspects of life, including good practices, which when indulged in could results in non-desirable outcomes.  No doubt a moment of rest, following some challenging acts, like mental, physical etc., or illness conditions, as an example, is a total necessity.  Naturally, and in the absence of severe effects of some stimulus, your sleep time, if utilized efficiently and effectively can provide you with adequate rest.  Nevertheless, in today’s world of busy and challenging lifestyles it’s not uncommon to see many indulging in non-productive and time-wasting acts of sorts, and as well procrastination, but considering this as some form of rest.  You may be one of those who loves watching television endlessly, or scrolling down social posts for hours, or taking prolonged naps, or any other form of rest in disguise that helps you to avoid doing what is needed to create useful results.  If any of this sounds familiar, and you however remain fixed to your desire in getting ahead in life, now seems the time to kick out the bad habit.   Remember that time lost while engaging in this type of rests will shorten the extent of your journey of life, and hence you are never going to reach far.       



Do you want better in life? Have you any desires to accomplish and feel fulfilled in your experience of life?  If so, let’s go together and reach far!  Please share your views in the comments section if you can.  Long live to you!


More About Dr. Ben Modie

The core mission of Dr. Ben Modie is to provide motivational education on personal development.  This is with the aim to inspire others to embrace the learning process, so they can develop and grow themselves to live a structured life that is anchored on personal strategic foundations, such as purpose, mission, and vision.  The ultimate goal is to foster a long-term, effective, and fulfilling life experience.


Through his life project the Centre for Knowledge (CfK), extracted from a personal strategic plan, Dr. Ben Modie creates motivational content that is provided through presentations, seminars, and workshops at schools, work organisations, and public places.  In addition, Dr. Ben Modie also makes available educational content through books, social media, and blog posts.  


For more on Dr. Ben Modie you can get in touch through email at or  Alternatively, you can search social media @Benson Modie.


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