5 Things to Ignite a Sense of Significance and Zeal in Your Journey of Life


5 Things to Ignite a Sense of Significance and Zeal in Your Journey of Life >>



1. Recognize your moment for being!


You may have come across some wisdom teachings from the wise of yesteryear, when they advise that each daybreak ought to be the most important thing of which we all must be thankful of.  This is because no one is ever guaranteed the next day, and hence you must notice and give thanks when provided with another priceless day of life.  This is something that you and I, many a times, take for granted despite being surrounded by the obvious reality of nature.  If you won’t acknowledge the importance of your gift of life, by giving every moment of it some sense of gratitude, it’s hard to see how you can put up some great commitment to go the extra mile.  Just taking a moment to focus your thoughts on the fact that you only have a limited amount of time as a human being, which is non-reversible, nor possible to store for later use, could be the key source of impetus you need to rejuvenate your enthusiasm in life.  Your life desires for your attention, recognition, and commitment, if it is to draw any amount of energy from you, to develop, grow, and yield a fulfilling experience. So, be intentional in recognizing the specialty of your moment for being, and most importantly, the fact that it’s time-bound, and hence needing you to double up on your levels of effectiveness and efficiency.  You will if you care, and the question is, do you?



2. Notice and awaken the sleeping giant within!


You must by now, since your journey of life began, have already gained a great deal of enlightenment and insight into your creative and innovative innate abilities.  Throughout the extent of your history, as a growing living being, you have on several occasions being put in a situation that required for you to respond in a productive way.  In most instances you managed to overcome whatever challenges got on your way and succeeded to create the outcomes you desired.  You did this by tapping from your endless natural abilities within, even if you don’t usually view your engagement in life from this level of understanding.  The truth is, you are a natural creation, fully endowed with potential and natural power.  All these resides inside of you, awaiting your decision for activation and application, and for that you’re like a sleeping giant.  You need to begin to see yourself as naturally and adequately empowered to succeed in creating the kind of future you desire to live and experience.  Like all others you deem successful in life, you too have what it takes to make the success you want.  The only missing link to getting there is your failure to notice that whatever potential and value exist in others you too are configured likewise.  As you cheer and give accolades to others, notice how their successes represent outcomes generated from their intentional human efforts, utilizing their inner abilities, something which you too can manage.  So, to ignite a sense of significance and zeal in your journey of life, begin with your inner power in mind.      


3. See value inside of you, to give!


Recognize the fact that throughout your history of existence, you have always been a team member.  This could be when you were still a toddler and had a regular schedule for play time with other kids, or when at school you were part of a study group or sporting team, or a workplace team member, or just being part of a family.  As a team member, you had a role to play, and this involved giving some form of value.  You always presented yourself as a complementary fit to make the team whole, and you did so by giving value from within.  You may not have placed much significance on this, but the truth is that the teams you were a part of depended much on the value you gave, to make possible their intentions.  Giving value, is a basic but critical requirement to fulfil human life societal settings, which is founded on social groupings or teams.  On this basis therefore your life is ever important, as human life cannot excel to any greater level without your involvement.  So, seeing value in yourself and stepping-up to utilize it to impact life is one sure way to ignite a sense of significance and zeal in your journey of life.   You are no doubt a living embodiment of the life force, but it will only serve life exceptionally if you can see it.  Note that the value within, when given, defines your purpose for being, which is exactly what you were brought here for. 


4. Formulate a vision to aim your journey at!


There’s a great wisdom tip that goes like, “even if you’re on the right direction to where you intend to go, you’re always going to be off-track”.  This is true in the sense that in your journey of life, you’ll meet with endless obstacles, the combined effects of which will derail you from your original bearing.  As an example, let’s suppose you’re a field worker, like me, and you are seeking to get to some key old spot in a remote area where unfortunately the original access track has been overgrown with bushes, and you’re forced to seek for alternative pathways.  Chances are you’ll veer off-track and lose your intended direction to reach the sought after destiny, and worse still, you could get lost and never find your way back.  What does it mean though in real life or in your own journey of life?  What it means is that if you don’t have clarity of destiny or where you are taking your life to, you are more likely to never get there.  In other words, if you do not have a definitive vision of the future you desire to live and experience, you’ll end up living a life, maybe, prescribed by others, and not exactly what you wanted. The absence of a clear and compelling life vision means you have no target to aim your journey at.  So, as you attempt to make headway along your intended direction, you’ll meet many others who may either divert your course or endlessly delay your progress, such that you never get there.  When with vision, you ooze with confidence, and believe that your journey of life is exactly what your creator ordered, and that’s where the significance and zeal of it will emanate from. 


5. Develop your pathway toward the vision!


Now, just having a clear picture of the life you intend to experience, and the direction thereto, isn’t enough to ensure this becomes a reality for you.  What you really need to do is to get there.  Whether you’re going to get there by flight or by road, doesn’t matter much, as it’s only still just a thought.  What matters most is to act and get yourself there.  Here’s what Dr. Phil Mcgraw emphatically said about this critical but seemingly underrated life obligation, from his book Life Strategies:   


Life rewards action – not intention, not insight, not wisdom, not understanding.”


In other words, life demands that you act on what you know to create results out of it.  So then, your vision can only become a reality if you act to get yourself there.  Acting in this sense means developing a pathway, essentially a mission in the language of a personal strategic planning process.  This means you must develop a project, comprising tasks and activities, which you each day act on, i.e. give value, by putting effort, spending time and money etc., to ensure your journey of life advances in the direction of your vision.  No doubt, when you have a clear vision, and have developed a conduit through-which to channel your critical resources, with the aim to manifest the future you desire, there’s no other great reason to not experience a sense of significance and zeal along your journey of life.  


(Note: You certainly have it all in you to do this, if you so choose!)


 Do you want better in life? Have you any desires to accomplish and feel fulfilled in your experience of life?  If so, let’s go together and reach far!  Please share your views in the comments section if you can.  Long live to you!


More About Dr. Ben Modie

The core mission of Dr. Ben Modie is to provide motivational education on personal development.  This is with the aim to inspire others to embrace the learning process, so they can develop and grow themselves to live a structured life that is anchored on personal strategic foundations, such as purpose, mission, and vision.  The ultimate goal is to foster a long-term, effective, and fulfilling life experience.


Through his life project the Centre for Knowledge (CfK), extracted from a personal strategic plan, Dr. Ben Modie creates motivational content that is provided through presentations, seminars, and workshops at schools, work organisations, and public places.  In addition, Dr. Ben Modie also makes available educational content through books, social media, and blog posts.  


For more on Dr. Ben Modie you can get in touch through email at tesbnm@gmail.com or modieb@cfkmotivation.com.  Alternatively, you can search social media @Benson Modie.


  1. Very insightful,thank you Doc 👏🏻

  2. Thank you so much for the feedback, much appreciation!🙏🙏


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