
How To Organize Yourself for Effective Living

  How To Organize Yourself for Effective Living >>   I have this saying that “life is beautiful when you create your own future”, words taken from a title of one of my motivational seminars on personal development.   The underlying message in these words is that you, as an individual, know better than anyone else what you desire to experience in life.   For that, you’re the one better placed to put systems in place that can generate the exact experience you desire to live.   Put another way, your life will feel great to you if you can organize yourself to accomplish your desires.   So, your desires for a great experience of life are what matters most to you.   The latter i.e. that which matters most, is specifically what you seek to manifest in your life, for you to attain a state of effective living, and hence must form your starting point in getting organized.   Remember that in your journey of life, you simultaneously hold the roles of leader, manager, supervisor, atte

Two Foundational Questions to Stimulate Your Commitment to Life

  Two Foundational Questions to Stimulate Your Commitment to Life >>   When it comes to matters of your life, you must play all the roles necessary to get things happening.   Just as the wise from yesteryear advised, “things don’t just happen by themselves, but you must make them happen”.   Equally, your life can never just happen as you desire without you playing the lead roles.   Your roles in making the most out of your moment in life are many, and you cannot afford to not pay attention.   Whether or not you’ll succeed to fully utilize your moment, depends on you having to persistently step up for you each day.   Take this personal, when it comes to your journey of life you are all in one.   This means, you must play all the vital roles of being a leader, manager, supervisor, training coordinator, driver etc. These roles, you cannot delegate if you are to get things going your way, as per the experience of life you desire.   Paying attention to all these roles each moment

One Critical Missing Link That Denies You Success

  One Critical Missing Link That Denies You Success >>   You Can Never Know Enough You may have noticed that there are people across society in general who, although deemed educated, at various levels, do also struggle to some extent even against some minor or less complex challenges of life.  This, I believe, is a clear indication that one can never truly get to the end of everything that they need to know.  For that, there's not any person living on Earth today, who does not have challenges, big or small, and is struggling in some ways to get things right, as he/she desires.  The missing link to getting things right is always held up in some knowledge one lacks, and most probably in those areas we hardly consider in our learning priorities.  So then, no matter how much you rate yourself, you can never know enough.  Take this for some enlightener, just in case you might have thought you’ve done all you possibly could.   It Isn’t About Knowing It All but How You Are

Three Key Life Distractors to Avoid If You Want to Go the Distance

  Three Key Life Distractors to Avoid If You Want to Go the Distance! >>   There is no doubt that every individual i.e. you, me etc., have some kind of vision, and as well some deeply felt desire, for a better experience of life. In addition, you and I also have this need and longing for our desires to last for the longest possible time of our lifespan.   However, and even though we know, without a doubt, that we each have a limited lifespan, we never make the effort to plan for how we’ll utilise our moment of existence.   Now, as the wise from yesteryear enlightened, “if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail”.   In other words, the lack of a documented and specific guide on intention creates opportunities for any and every course of action to creep in, leading to results other than the ones desired.   Notably, modern human lifestyles are ever busy due to some endless wish lists, comprised of items often urgently needing to be drafted into our daily plans.   This is wher

Three Critical Ways to Manage Yourself and Get Your Journey Going All the Way

  Three Critical Ways to Manage Yourself and Get Your Journey Going All the Way >>   As individuals you and I have our own values, and have adopted different principles, through which we govern and manage ourselves, to attain whatever sense of good we desire to experience in life.   Such differences are usually a portrayal of variations in our individual desires, interests, preferences, needs etc., the collective influence and effect of which determines one’s priorities in self-organisation.   You obviously have your own preferences in terms of what matters most in your life, and hence is deserving to be prioritised and given that much attention in your life.   The things we prioritise are more a call-to-action for us to engage or get involved in life, in pursuance of some good.   My idea of good, which of course isn’t necessarily the view you hold, is that a great life experience is one where you are able to create a long-term sense of fulfilment out of your experience of li