Two Foundational Questions to Stimulate Your Commitment to Life


Two Foundational Questions to Stimulate Your Commitment to Life >>


When it comes to matters of your life, you must play all the roles necessary to get things happening.  Just as the wise from yesteryear advised, “things don’t just happen by themselves, but you must make them happen”.  Equally, your life can never just happen as you desire without you playing the lead roles.  Your roles in making the most out of your moment in life are many, and you cannot afford to not pay attention.  Whether or not you’ll succeed to fully utilize your moment, depends on you having to persistently step up for you each day.  Take this personal, when it comes to your journey of life you are all in one.  This means, you must play all the vital roles of being a leader, manager, supervisor, training coordinator, driver etc. These roles, you cannot delegate if you are to get things going your way, as per the experience of life you desire.  Paying attention to all these roles each moment and every day is indeed a mammoth task.  But when your desire of the experience of life you would like to live is one that can be called “a burning desire”, then your attention can never flicker.  This is exactly how you want to set yourself in life, and it must begin with you questioning your sense of appreciation and readiness for the gift of life.  Ask yourself the two questions discussed below, and you just might awaken what Patanjali, Yogi Master, described in a famous and powerful quote as “dormant forces”, and this for you could set your own life desires on fire.

Here’s the full Patanjali quote:


“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds.  Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world.  Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be”.


No doubt, if you can get this, and you can see your opportunity for being here, in life, as serving some great purpose, and your life being that extraordinary project, through which you can exercise purposeful living, then your desires would be set on fire, while your whole life is set on autopilot and in the ascent.  Now, you must put yourself on your spotlight, by asking the questions below.


1. Do I care about this moment to be here in life on Earth?


As the lead character and sole driver of your life, you want to create a compelling sense of eagerness to engage or get involved in life, as often as daily.  Put another way, your daily acts ought to reflect the idiom “as busy as a bee”.  In other words, you each day go about your daily acts displaying a sense of excitement, happiness, great inspiration etc., and always looking forward to tomorrow.  To give some insight on this, picture someone at work, who while busy at it, he/she whistles some musical tune of interest, and all this depicting a sense of appreciation and joy in life.  Surely, someone who doesn’t see value in life, and hence does not really care about being here, can never get to such a state of appreciation and joy.  Neither can such a person hold and maintain, for prolonged periods, focused attention on the reality of the opportunity to be here in life on Earth.


So, if you find that your experience of life isn’t exciting enough, ask if you really care about your moment here.  Do you really care about the fact that you are here, as a human being?  Or are you just swamped by the demands of modern human lifestyles, and hence you can’t catch a glimpse of the extent of your moment of existence?  Make effort to separate the realities of the struggles of everyday life from the truth of a distinctive gift of existence in human life on Earth.  Look at it this way, firstly, you were offered an opportunity to be a living being over a certain period, and for that you must allow yourself to appreciate this.  If you can truly notice this, and genuinely acknowledge it, you’ll no doubt begin to develop a sense of caring about the gift of life, and ultimately manage to pay attention.  Secondly, acknowledge the difficulties and struggles associated with human lifestyles, but equally appreciate the fact that embedded within you is a vast pull of potential and endless possibilities, to tap from and manage any difficulties you may encounter along your journey of life.  This too, if you can truly understand, is certain to give you an even greater sense of caring for your moment, and more importantly, the ability to sustain your attention.


Evidently, until you can self-assure that indeed you do care for being here in life on Earth, it’s going to be ever difficult for you to muster any amount of sustained commitment to make the most out of your moment.   The truth is, you can only commit at the highest level, and for a prolonged period, for something that you appreciate, value, and give attention to.             


2. What plan have I got to make the most out of my moment?


If you can get to that level where you begin to appreciate your moment, and as well comprehend the fact that it is limited, you’ll feel an urge to do something.  Your key concern would be about getting your desires to become a reality.  This is where you’ll have to ask yourself, and not any other, about your preparedness to make life happen for you as you desire, within the period of your moment of existence.  What plan have you got to make the most out of your moment?  You’re never getting an answer for this question from anyone but yourself.  If you don’t have any plan or strategy, or any other organized way to help you streamline your resources, so you can target your desires, getting the most out of your moment remains just a pipe dream.  A situation like this, where there is no strategy for self-governance, to ensure there is a sense of order and organisation in your life decisions, takes away your attention and focus on what matters most.  As you may be aware, all achievements of great value and lasting impact, form the outcomes of resolute and intentional thoughts or ideas transformed into actionable plans.


So then, have you got a plan to make the most out of your moment here in life on Earth?  Interestingly, when you allow yourself to entertain the idea of a plan of life, you immediately get drawn, mentally, to the fact that your life is time-bound.  In other words, there’s a sense of awareness triggered that draws your attention to the fact that you have a moment to live, which you must do something about to utilize.  It’s clear then that having a plan is something that will keep you attentive and focused on your gift of life and the entire journey you must travel on Earth.  Remember, there’s chaos and commotion prevailing throughout human life on Earth.  This creates endless distractions, making it ever so difficult for most people to sustain conscious contact with the reality of their limited moment of existence, and possibilities for making the most out of it.  Having a plan becomes a constant reminder that despite the chaos and commotion there’s also the lighter side of life, which can become a reality for you.   


Become aware that, presently, there doesn’t seem to be any other planet like Earth, where we are each provided with a free and priceless opportunity to experience the beauty of existence.  Not only that, but we are also provided with an endless supply of power and a vast pool of abilities and potential within, to utilize and make the most out of our moment on Earth.  Make effort therefore to leverage this viewpoint, to streamline and focus your attention on your moment, and show some appreciation and gratitude by digging deep to bring out the best from within.  Undoubtedly, you have it all within, and you can make the most out of your moment in human life.          


 Do you want better in life? Have you any desires to accomplish and feel fulfilled in your experience of life?  If so, let’s go together and reach far!  Please share your views in the comments section if you can.  Long live to you!


More About Dr. Ben Modie

The core mission of Dr. Ben Modie is to provide motivational education on personal development.  This is with the aim to inspire others to embrace the learning process, so they can develop and grow themselves to live a structured life that is anchored on personal strategic foundations, such as purpose, mission, and vision.  The ultimate goal is to foster a long-term, effective, and fulfilling life experience.


Through his life project the Centre for Knowledge (CfK), extracted from a personal strategic plan, Dr. Ben Modie creates motivational content that is provided through presentations, seminars, and workshops at schools, work organisations, and public places.  In addition, Dr. Ben Modie also makes available educational content through books, social media, and blog posts.  


For more on Dr. Ben Modie you can get in touch through email at or  Alternatively, you can search social media @Benson Modie.


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