One Critical Missing Link That Denies You Success

 One Critical Missing Link That Denies You Success >>


You Can Never Know Enough

You may have noticed that there are people across society in general who, although deemed educated, at various levels, do also struggle to some extent even against some minor or less complex challenges of life.  This, I believe, is a clear indication that one can never truly get to the end of everything that they need to know.  For that, there's not any person living on Earth today, who does not have challenges, big or small, and is struggling in some ways to get things right, as he/she desires.  The missing link to getting things right is always held up in some knowledge one lacks, and most probably in those areas we hardly consider in our learning priorities.  So then, no matter how much you rate yourself, you can never know enough.  Take this for some enlightener, just in case you might have thought you’ve done all you possibly could.


It Isn’t About Knowing It All but How You Are Set in Life


What’s important though in getting your life forward, to claim the success you desire, isn’t about knowing it all, but firstly, to become aware of the fact that you tried but somehow never got there.  Then secondly, and most importantly, to plan a breakthrough by stepping up to figure out the exact “why” you didn’t get there.  In most cases, I believe, you’re going to find that your lack of knowledge and know-how is at the core of your failure to get there.  But what kind of knowledge and know-how exactly, you may wonder, given the amount of learning and educational courses you’ve already done, and the qualifications amassed therefrom.  The all-important or critical knowledge and know-how needed to get to success is one that many of us, particularly the educated lot, would never think about or consider.  This is because it is not about our educational achievements or professional development, and neither is it about our technical expertise.  At the core of what you and I truly lack, is the ability to self-drive, self-manage, self-organize, and the commitment to apply relevant knowledge, and as well professional expertise, gained from all the educational learning institutions we’ve been through.  So, getting there where your success is, isn’t about knowing it all, but much more about how you’re set as a functional and effective being.           


How The Missing Link Got Embedded in You


It’s been quite a while since I traversed the schools learning stage, but I nevertheless still hold a good picture of the types of subjects we were taught then.  I’m of the view that much of the teaching content then had very little, if any, to do with the personal development and enhancement of learner’s ability to be proactive, self-driven, self-managed, self-organized etc.  I have equally not come to any observation that such critical personal development, and as well personal effectiveness enhancers, make a strong presence as course content at higher educational institutions.  Most learning institutions offer courses on subjects meant to prepare learners for post-learning engagements.  Although, commonly, there’s visible evidence that learners do struggle in terms of self-drive, self-management, self-organisation etc., there has never really been any significant effort at addressing that obvious void in personal development.  Ultimately, most learners, including you and me, got to the end of their foundational educational era lacking in vital qualities for personal effectiveness, with respect to both their involvement in life in general and as key contributors in organized work.  In today’s hugely challenged world, many people are having it tough to get their lives advancing as desired, and neither are they able to provide the much-needed impact at various workplaces.  All this, because of a missing link of personal development in the education system. 


What You Must Do to Rid Yourself of The Missing Link


Become aware that the value of personal development is in creating individuals that can work under minimal supervision and knows exactly how to lead and transform their lives into success.  Notably, it is only through personal development that you’ll gain all the ingredients required for one to excel, such as commitment, inspiration, purpose, mission, vision, self-love, self-drive etc. etc.  Now, as you may probably know already, all great achievements begin with the learning process.  Hence, to rid yourself of the missing link, you must learn something new to develop and grow yourself and become better than you’ve always been.  There’s nothing else you can do than getting back to the basics of learning, and choosing to learn the right lessons on personal development.  If you hate learning, then there’s a question about self-love. 


The Ever-Good News


There is no doubt that human lifestyles have become increasingly both demanding and overwhelming for many of us.  You may have put much of your efforts, finances, and time i.e. your critical resources, into that race many of us have been running for a long time, with the aim to get to the end of our endless wish lists.  If you haven’t gotten that far yet, you may by now be not only physically and mentally exhausted, but equally or even worse, hugely overdrawn or nearly bankrupt in terms of your critical resources.  There’s some good news though, which may come to you as a glimmer of hope, if you can get it.  The good news is that your truest essence isn’t just the physical image you are identified through, but it is the endless natural power within that drives and maintains your sense of aliveness.  So, no matter the exhaustion, your power continues to flow endlessly, seeking to be utilised effectively and valuably.  If you can get this concept, and as well fully comprehend a word from the wise of yesteryear that “you are never too old to set a new goal or to dream a new dream”, then your journey is still alive and kicking.  To get to this level of understanding though, about the ever-good news and its applicability in your journey of life, requires that you fix the “missing link” through some deliberate efforts to advance your personal development.  You’ll make it if you can learn how to organize, manage, and lead yourself for effective and purposeful living.  You no doubt have it all within, but you must first learn about it, understand it, and then apply the knowledge to get your journey moving in the right direction.     


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