Three Critical Ways to Manage Yourself and Get Your Journey Going All the Way


Three Critical Ways to Manage Yourself and Get Your Journey Going All the Way >>


As individuals you and I have our own values, and have adopted different principles, through which we govern and manage ourselves, to attain whatever sense of good we desire to experience in life.  Such differences are usually a portrayal of variations in our individual desires, interests, preferences, needs etc., the collective influence and effect of which determines one’s priorities in self-organisation.  You obviously have your own preferences in terms of what matters most in your life, and hence is deserving to be prioritised and given that much attention in your life.  The things we prioritise are more a call-to-action for us to engage or get involved in life, in pursuance of some good.  My idea of good, which of course isn’t necessarily the view you hold, is that a great life experience is one where you are able to create a long-term sense of fulfilment out of your experience of life.  In addition, and perhaps even more importantly, making sure that your journey of life goes the distance or reaches far in terms of your continued presence here in human life.  This calls for you to step up and design some form of strategy, because you are the leader and manager of your life, and no other can know and do better. 


Below I share some general tips on what I consider to be foundational imperatives that are critical in making sure that you get some long term good out of your moment of human life.  These are some priority life laws or must do’s (i.e. what you must prioritise), which we often take for granted and never really give much attention, and then we simply fail to find our successes and fulfilment in life.


1. Notice and embrace your moment!


Arguably, there is nothing else better about life on Earth really that beats the opportunity or moment you were given to experience human life.  The fact that you are here, representing the history of humanity, as well that of planetary Earth, is an extraordinary gift that deserves your endless attention.  To develop a greater sense of commitment to life you must begin by acknowledging the gift of just being here, embrace it, and take a vow to make the most out of it.  Allow yourself to see this gift as the core overarching element or key to attaining total fulfilment in the experience of human life.  If you can at some point, see yourself within this momentary space of human life on earth, and rhetorically imagine a possibility that many did not get such a chance, you just might ignite a more compelling view about your journey.  Surely, if you can truly recognize this moment, you have here, and see it as all there is, you’ll have built a strong foundation to have you anchored and well-grounded on, in your commitment to your journey of human life.  So, embracing this moment of your being, and making sure you notice or give it endless attention, and then resolving to engage meaningfully all the way, is your best approach to a greatly inspired and fulfilling life experience.


2. Acknowledge that you don’t know enough and must keep learning!


The process of learning is the only pathway to transforming your innate natural abilities and potential into capabilities.  Life, through challenges, demands that you continually learn to build and expand your knowledge and skills base.  Knowledge and skill are what you always need to ensure that your journey, throughout your moment for being, becomes eventful in a fulfilling way.  When you have no idea what to do to get there, or where exactly you want to get at, and how to get there etc., you’ll get stuck or lost along your journey, and your moment will simply go to waste.  Ultimately, the worst thing that can happen to you then is that you’ll miss the entire trip of the journey of life.  You no doubt don’t want your journey to end prematurely, and for that reason you must acknowledge the need for you to adopt a habit for continuous and life-long learning.  If you can understand this and convince yourself so, then you’ll have set your mental system on enabled, to allow you to keep learning with ease and hence transcend most barriers showing up along your journey.


3. Setting yourself to act on your knowledge and skills!


One of the obvious key lessons about life is that whatever results are sought after must be preceded by action.  Such action, if it is to meet defined needs, must be deliberate, focused, and organised to yield only that which is desired.  Hence, for you to get your journey of life on the move and along the right path, you’ll have to step up and apply what you learnt, understood, and know.  Begin your journey by setting yourself up to appreciate this simple fact that having acquired knowledge, of any quality or quantity, and acting on such to create results or solutions to meet needs, are two different phases of development.  You can be learned and harbour a tremendous amount of know-how, but without acting to transform all that into significant outputs, your life won’t make any advances.  To fully appreciate the relationship between know-how and results, consider the scenario of a day and night cycle.  If Planet Earth were not in constant motion (i.e. action), about its north – south axis, there would be no situation of daytime giving way to nighttime.  Similarly, if know-how is not acted upon to transform the prevailing situation, there’ll be no new situation or outcomes availed.  Though I consider this an obvious thing to comprehend, I am well aware of Khalil Gibran’s famous quote which goes thus, “the obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply”.  Nevertheless, I remain hopeful that you do truly see it.  So yes, make it a habit to learn what you need to know, and then act on it to get your journey forward.  Know that without acting you’ll only create the condition of being forever stuck in your life, which is the opposite of what you truly desire.


 Do you want better in life? Have you any desires to accomplish and feel fulfilled in your experience of life?  If so, let’s go together and reach far!  Please share your views in the comments section if you can.  Long live to you!


More About Dr. Ben Modie

The core mission of Dr. Ben Modie is to provide motivational education on personal development.  This is with the aim to inspire others to embrace the learning process, so they can develop and grow themselves to live a structured life that is anchored on personal strategic foundations, such as purpose, mission, and vision.  The ultimate goal is to foster a long-term, effective, and fulfilling life experience.


Through his life project the Centre for Knowledge (CfK), extracted from a personal strategic plan, Dr. Ben Modie creates motivational content that is provided through presentations, seminars, and workshops at schools, work organisations, and public places.  In addition, Dr. Ben Modie also makes available educational content through books, social media, and blog posts.  


For more on Dr. Ben Modie you can get in touch through email at or  Alternatively, you can search social media @Benson Modie.


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