Why Best Solutions for GBV Demands We See Ourselves in Others


Why Best Solutions for GBV Demands We See Ourselves in Others >>



Social ills seem inevitable

Social ills have become a real menace to society, and like change they seem inevitable, and worse still are increasingly turning into a norm.  The good feel of the gift of life is on the brink of being totally eroded and replaced by an ambience of toxicity, particularly with respect to the ill of gender-based violence.  Scary, isn't it?  Have you noticed, and even felt it?  Surely, there's been a plethora of educational interventions of all types, to try and address many such societal problems.  No doubt, when it comes to social ills we can never do enough.  The more educational interventions, with a little more creativity and innovation, the better.


What is the missing link, really?

What exactly does it mean that despite decades of all the social-support systems, including the plethora of educational interventions, and many more other responses, still social ills continue to take away the good in the gift of life?  Well, there are many possibilities, like, perhaps there's something we're not doing right, maybe I'm the one not doing right, or possibly you are not doing right too.  But really, just how, provided with all the support services, are we not able to get to the end of our desires about a great life experience?  Surely, there's something missing in the way we're set in life.  Have you any point of view about this?  I have and would love to share it here.


Seek first to discuss issues from the basic human level

I am of the view that in our quest, as society, to seek for solutions against the seemingly rising thorny issues of Gender Based Violence or GBV, we possibly missed a step, and perhaps got a little more eager to get a result. The level at which we discuss GBV issues for me is more secondary than primary or foundational, in that we tend to seek for solutions following or along the priority of a gender-divide line, where it appears like it’s a situation of men against women.  This way simply creates segments or sectors of the human species, where people only see each other as different than a solitary human species.  That on its own calls for solutions that are inclined or favourable to one segment over the other, which then hardens the gender divide-line, as one section either adopts the blame game or become intransigently defensive and making it even harder to find a lasting solution.


One species, one vison of peace, love, joy, and happiness

My believe is that if we can step down from the level where we see each other as different, and hence needing to take sides, but instead discuss GBV issues from our foundational level as just humans or a solitary human species, there’s a chance to become effective in our human relations.  As a species, we are just one, and as people, before separating ourselves based on biology and the physical realm, we all desire for the conditions of peace, love, joy, and happiness.  So, what’s critical is to first teach people as people and likewise train them to respect others, just as people.  This in my view is foundational, and it’s like when you build a house, where you cannot expect to erect a complete robust building that can withstand the toughest of conditions by just trying to be more effective with the parts that makes up the superstructure i.e., the walls, the roof etc., and not be just as effective, or even more so, with the foundation, which truly is the only critical and significant support.


Teach the value of respect for the other

Our foundation as people is that we all are natural, spiritual beings, with a body and mind.  This setting, no one can recreate if made dysfunctional, no matter how much one regrets.  We all have desires, interests, preferences etc., and they don’t necessarily overlap.  Perhaps more importantly, we all want to experience the conditions of peace, love, joy and happiness, and not at the expense of anyone.  A good quality training program on this is what we need as humanity, to get everyone to appreciate the fact that the being in others is the same as that within them.  Hence, the only key to better human relations is the virtue of respect for the other.  Only then can we take a step up the hierarchy of our nature to discuss what stand before us.


Talk is cheap, you and I must act!

No doubt, the pain is real, and the future is getting ever uncertain.  Surely, just talking about it, to acknowledge it's presence, isn't equivalent to the act of creating solutions.  Talk is a necessary starter to create awareness and share wisdom needed.  What's critical now is to advance to the next stage through acting on knowledge, wisdom, and skills, to create solutions that meets defined needs.  Are you ready to walk the talk?  It's now or never!  Your support in this team effort is more than indispensable.  If not you, then who? Who really can stand in your position?  Remember, when it comes to making life right, every individual counts.  Agree?  If so, join me, in synergy, and let's begin the process to root out social ills from the fabric of our communities.


Time to change the narrative

If we don’t change the narrative, and emphasize self-leadership, self-management, and personal organisation, in our educational interventions, then our desire and wishes to contain social ills will ever remain just a pipe dream.  Society is certainly under siege from social ills, and the only remedy, certainly in a different way, must be the learning process, which no doubt is ever the overarching principle to any real success desired.  So please, let’s try something different we have never done before, like we are human first, deserving the same amount of respect, before we take sides.



 Do you want better in life? Have you any desires to accomplish and feel fulfilled in your experience of life?  If so, let’s go together and reach far!  Please share your views in the comments section if you can.  Long live to you!


More About Dr. Ben Modie

The core mission of Dr. Ben Modie is to provide motivational education on personal development.  This is with the aim to inspire others to embrace the learning process, so they can develop and grow themselves to live a structured life that is anchored on personal strategic foundations, such as purpose, mission, and vision.  The ultimate goal is to foster a long-term, effective, and fulfilling life experience.


Through his life project the Centre for Knowledge (CfK), extracted from a personal strategic plan, Dr. Ben Modie creates motivational content that is provided through presentations, seminars, and workshops at schools, work organisations, and public places.  In addition, Dr. Ben Modie also makes available educational content through books, social media, and blog posts.  


For more on Dr. Ben Modie you can get in touch through email at tesbnm@gmail.com or modieb@cfkmotivation.com.  Alternatively, you can search social media @Benson Modie.


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