How Human Life Cannot Get Better Without You Stepping Up


How Human Life Cannot Get Better Without You Stepping Up >>


Step up and do better to inspire others


That human life today is inundated with both human sourced and naturally caused challenges is stating the obvious.  Many such challenges are proving hard to manage or find mitigating solutions.  The latter is not because there are no possibilities to find some working solutions but rather you and I are not keen to step up, and instead may choose to blame others or government.  But I tell you, if you don’t step up and synergise with others seeking for solutions, there won’t be much better happening to our experience of human life.  The challenges will simply escalate and deny humanity a greatly fulfilling experience of life.  When you and I step up, and become better than we have always been, we’ll certainly do much better in handling challenges, and others will be inspired to follow suit.  So, better life begins with you stepping up.  If not you, then who?   


Your growth and change are the starting point

The starting point to enhance human life can only take growth and change by every citizen i.e. you, me, and others, because we each represent a brick that makes humanity a complete entity.  Given the fact that human beings are a social species, whose lives are centred on synergy and teamwork, it is of paramount importance to strengthen the basic human life support structures, such as family, community, and the workplace.  To be effective in creating the best support structures you and I must first recognize the fact that we each, at our individual level, form the basic unit of any human life support structure you can think about.  In other words, we're each like a brick that forms the main component of a house, and determines the strength and robustness needed to withstand the strongest of storms or any other external forces.  It is therefore crucial for you to make effort to develop and grow yourself, in all aspects, so you can become a high-quality component or building block of effective human life support structures.  There is no other evident way available to enhance humanity’s experience of life than a transformational leap in you, me, and all others.  So, if you step up to develop and grow yourself, it’s visible leadership, and a gain for human development.  Many more will be inspired to follow suit and become better than they have always been.  If you don’t step up, this is not possible.    


Become a change maker in life 

It is important to recognize where you can begin to focus your efforts and make that initial, critical, and small step, aimed at your burning platform or pain points, relative to human life in general.  This will allow you an opportunity to steadily build momentum toward creating synergy with other team members in your community, and as well across the sphere of humanity.  This far in your life you have made conscious contact with the reality of daily challenges, and you appreciate your obligatory role as an indispensable team member in human life support systems.   Your background as a learner has allowed you to recognize the extent of your inborn natural ability and potential, and how to leverage that to create solutions that meets defined needs.  Now is the time to set yourself up to becoming “the change you want to see” in your life, as well as across the board throughout humanity.  Just that ability to exemplify the possibility of becoming the change you want to see in life is enough to influence a section of your community to also step up and do better.  But it won’t happen if you don’t step up.


Zone-in on your burning platform

You cannot make significant changes without clarity on what it is you desire to change or to be changed.  It is critical at this stage that you zone-in on your challenges, so that you can nail down your burning platform.  Because you want to make sure that you are effective i.e. doing the right thing, from the start, and ensure that you are spot-on in efficiency i.e. doing things right, you’ll have to be clear and without doubt about your desires, key challenges and concerns, which must be acted upon by you.  You cannot do with general statements such as I want to live a good life, I want a better job, I need better pay, I would like to live an impactful life, life is difficult or tough, jobs or opportunities are hard to find, the education system is not helpful, the cost of living is too high, I have tried everything you can think of, they are not helping me at that workplace, some people are just gifted and I am not, I cannot not do this etc., etc., etc., and all the many other common, vague, comforting but without substance, statements we use to self-assure or as mere excuses.  If you would like to make real changes and create new outcomes or results in your life, you are going to have to do differently what you have been doing.  Your decision to step up and create clarity around sources of your pain points, and make them clearer targets for mitigatory action, would come as a major service to society, against the marauding impact of social ills.  How else can this be if you don’t step up?  It’s got to be you or no one, because everyone is expecting someone else to step up.


First things first

Firstly, you must make conscious contact with your desires i.e. have clarity on what exactly it is you want to manifest in life, and how, and then assess your situation and frustrations etc., relative to your endlessly abundant inner abilities and potential to grow in your capability and effectiveness.  In other words, become aware that you are abundantly naturally empowered to succeed in any way you want, but you must tap into that resource.   Secondly, you must be specific about what’s really holding you back, including what you did and where you ended up at, and why you couldn’t continue, instead ending up in the non-desirable situation of your present state of life.  What exactly is your biggest challenge/hurdle that blocks you from creating that life you desire, for you and others, given that you have that much greatness inside of you?  Once you are crystal clear about the future you desire, which essentially represents the outcome you really want to experience in your life, and you have made effort to zoom-in on your obstacles, then acting to get you forward becomes precise.  You’ll know exactly what effort, where and when to apply it, so that you maintain a high level of effectiveness and efficiency in your efforts to create the future you desire.  What better role model is there, if not you, who can truly lead others to create better in life? 


Ignite your natural intent to self-leadership

You and I have it all within, the natural intention to self-lead from the condition of bad to that of better.  All humans, individually, were created with the ability to assess their needs, act to seek for solutions, and make necessary changes.  So, don’t just wait endlessly for someone or something to influence better in life, instead ignite your natural intent to self-leadership.  The latter is nature’s call to obligatory service, without which the entire system of human life becomes dysfunctional.  Step up and become centred on self-leadership, and you’ll remake the world for better.  Yes, if not you then who?  That’s how important you are to humanity.        



 Do you want better in life? Have you any desires to accomplish and feel fulfilled in your experience of life?  If so, let’s go together and reach far!  Please share your views in the comments section if you can.  Long live to you!


More About Dr. Ben Modie

The core mission of Dr. Ben Modie is to provide motivational education on personal development.  This is with the aim to inspire others to embrace the learning process, so they can develop and grow themselves to live a structured life that is anchored on personal strategic foundations, such as purpose, mission, and vision.  The ultimate goal is to foster a long-term, effective, and fulfilling life experience.


Through his life project the Centre for Knowledge (CfK), extracted from a personal strategic plan, Dr. Ben Modie creates motivational content that is provided through presentations, seminars, and workshops at schools, work organisations, and public places.  In addition, Dr. Ben Modie also makes available educational content through books, social media, and blog posts.  


For more on Dr. Ben Modie you can get in touch through email at or  Alternatively, you can search social media @Benson Modie.


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