
Showing posts from June, 2024

Why Best Solutions for GBV Demands We See Ourselves in Others

  Why Best Solutions for GBV Demands We See Ourselves in Others >>     Social ills seem inevitable Social ills have become a real menace to society, and like change they seem inevitable, and worse still are increasingly turning into a norm.  The good feel of the gift of life is on the brink of being totally eroded and replaced by an ambience of toxicity, particularly with respect to the ill of gender-based violence.   Scary, isn't it?   Have you noticed , and even felt it?   Surely, there's been a plethora of educational interventions of all types, to try and address many such societal problems.  No doubt, when it comes to social ills we can never do enough.  The more educational interventions, with a little more creativity and innovation, the better.   What is the missing link, really? What exactly does it mean that despite decades of all the social-support systems, including the plethora of educational interventions, and many more other responses, still s

How Human Life Cannot Get Better Without You Stepping Up

  How Human Life Cannot Get Better Without You Stepping Up >>   Step up and do better to inspire others   That human life today is inundated with both human sourced and naturally caused challenges is stating the obvious.   Many such challenges are proving hard to manage or find mitigating solutions.   The latter is not because there are no possibilities to find some working solutions but rather you and I are not keen to step up, and instead may choose to blame others or government.   But I tell you, if you don’t step up and synergise with others seeking for solutions, there won’t be much better happening to our experience of human life.   The challenges will simply escalate and deny humanity a greatly fulfilling experience of life.   When you and I step up, and become better than we have always been, we’ll certainly do much better in handling challenges, and others will be inspired to follow suit.   So, better life begins with you stepping up.   If not you, then who?