Why You and I Must Step Up for Humanity


Why You and I Must Step Up for Humanity >>


My world is your world!

Our common vision as humanity, is to live long and fully experience the conditions of peace, love, joy, and happiness.  This, essentially, is what you and I are yearning for in human life but is not happening though.  Such is not at all surprising, but rather strange in that with all our natural might, we are not able to live the lives we desire.  Our world is littered with endless acts that only serve to frustrate any of our efforts intended to reach out for that common vision of peace, love, joy, and happiness.  Human life is deeply engulfed in conflicts, crime, famine, destabilization, disease, just to mention a few of what can be classified as humanity’s Burning Platform.  It's not surprising, as I say, but strange because we all are endowed with endless natural abilities and much potential to make that needed difference, but we are not leveraging on that.  For this, you and I must step up. 


It is my firm conviction that when we came in, we were not forsaken or just dumped on Planet Earth to aimlessly find our way through life.  Rather, part of the grand plan was for us to discover the practice and value of education.   Education, here, in the sense of learning, gaining some understanding and knowing, and ultimately applying the know-how or wisdom learnt, to make reality out of our vision for humanity.  However, we're not making that much effort to learn and apply the correct lessons, and in most cases, we prefer to take short cuts.  For that reason, our yearning for the conditions of peace, love, joy, and happiness lingers on.  There’s no doubt that if we give education the attention and time it deserves then all that we desire in human life will certainly become a reality.  Hence, you and I must step up, to generate the momentum we need, as humans, to take human life to where we would like it to be. 


You and I each represent a brick that makes up humanity!

Given the fact that human beings are a social species, whose lives are centred on synergy and teamwork, it is of paramount importance to strengthen the basic human life support structures, such as family, community, and the workplace.  To be effective in creating the best support structures we all must recognize that every one of us, at the individual level, forms the basic unit of any human life support structure you can think about.  In other words, we're each like a brick that forms the main component of a house, and determines the strength and robustness needed to withstand the strongest of storms or any other external forces.  It is therefore crucial for you and me to make the effort to grow in all aspects, so we can become high quality components or building blocks of effective human life support structures.  Hence, for human life to improve, in no uncertain terms, there's need for a human centred strategy that focuses on developing and growing people at the individual level, just like the processes and specifications laid out in the manufacture of quality bricks.  Such is why everyone, including you and me, must step up and double up on making a difference in human life.


Your being is a gift to humanity!

The real meaning of human life is to live, which essentially entails engaging yourself in activities that sustains and enhances the quality of human life.  The key to understanding life is to walk the path of education, where you will learn and understand what and how to serve.  Your being is a gift to humanity, which you must share by presenting yourself as an opportunity to serve through your talents.  You came here with loads of goodies, and you must unload those to add value to life.  Surely, you cannot just carry all that load of natural ability within and not utilise it in a meaningful way in life, and ultimately just return with it where you came from.  You wouldn’t have lived, but just appeared.   To live is to serve, and to serve you must learn first.  Yes, it is true, there are far too many people who still don’t understand why they are here, and it’s only because they don’t schedule time to learn about life……and that makes life much more complicated.


You and I must remain relevant to life!

The real purpose of education is not about allowing you the possibility to find employment and earn money, so you can buy the things you want and put food on the table etc., which of course you will attain if you commit enough.  The process of education is meant to empower you with knowledge and skills, so you know how to make yourself relevant to life by recognising your reason for being and translating that into a meaningful life-role.  Your being is meant to take part in the equation of life to make it a complete and functional natural system.  It is the only reason why you were brought-in and provided with an endless supply of that priceless creative energy to utilise in your service to life.  A life well-spent is one that has a clear track-record, which demonstrates a purposeful drive to advance the standard and quality of human life.  Through education, you were meant to learn and develop skills of self-leadership, so you can recognise and identify your vision or the future you desire, for you and all of humanity.  Your vision then becomes a platform through-which you undertake those purposeful and meaningful roles that serve life and render you a relevant and invaluable part-component of the entire process of human life.  Such is the real purpose of education, and this is the only way you can attain a prolonged state of peace, love, joy, and happiness, and most importantly, total fulfilment in your life experience.



 Do you want better in life? Have you any desires to accomplish and feel fulfilled in your experience of life?  If so, let’s go together and reach far!  Please share your views in the comments section if you can.  Long live to you!




More About Dr. Ben Modie

The core mission of Dr. Ben Modie is to provide motivational education on personal development.  This is with the aim to inspire others to embrace the learning process, so they can develop and grow themselves to live a structured life that is anchored on personal strategic foundations, such as purpose, mission, and vision.  The ultimate goal is to foster a long-term, effective, and fulfilling life experience.


Through his life project the Centre for Knowledge (CfK), extracted from a personal strategic plan, Dr. Ben Modie creates motivational content that is provided through presentations, seminars, and workshops at schools, work organisations, and public places.  In addition, Dr. Ben Modie also makes available educational content through books, social media, and blog posts.  


For more on Dr. Ben Modie you can get in touch through email at tesbnm@gmail.com or modieb@cfkmotivation.com.  Alternatively, you can search social media @Benson Modie.


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