How to Mould Yourself into a Quality Human Brick


How to Mould Yourself into a Quality Human Brick >>


Back to basics with education and self-growth!

The foundation to self-moulding begins with you appreciating the principle of education at its basic form.  In other words, not just formal education, but rather in the sense that we all have the natural ability to learn something new, gain understanding and knowledge, and then apply this to create solutions to meet all our needs in life.  The password to transforming yourself into a quality human brick begins with embracing education and putting emphasis first on the area of personal development and self-growth.  This way will make it possible for you to become fully aware of your natural inborn abilities, as well as understand how you can tap into your natural realm to engage in life, in an effective, worthy, and fulfilling way.  Your self-growth alone will allow you to see an endless abundance of opportunities and possibilities, to engage in life and create solutions to meet everyday human-life needs.  This is of course where you begin to develop your own project, business or otherwise, and ultimately manifest the success or future you desire or your vision. 


Remember that when you went through the school system, the key objective was to empower you with skills meant to help you continue to learn, grow, and make your success anywhere you choose to be in the world.  Such skills, which involves observing, listening, asking, reading, and writing, though basic, are fundamentally critical to your continued development, growth and effectiveness in taking part as a solid and quality brick in human life.  You can use these skills anyway in the world to continue to learn and improve yourself, both in terms of your understanding as well as in your engagements to create solutions to meet human-life needs, including yours.  What you need now is the motivation and encouragement to tap into these basic skills and transform yourself into the best person you can possibly become. 


You have it all already!

It’s one thing to seek for certificates and qualifications, but to be impactful anywhere or in any position in life, draws much more from your self-drive to engage these early learning qualities.  Look at it this way, if you know how to observe in order to learn how it is done, and you know how to listen when explained to, so you can gain clarity, and you have developed the ability to ask to improve your level of understanding, and most importantly, you can read to expand your knowledge base, and finally document your key points, you have no reason not to live the life you desire.  This, not only at the personal level but also as a key contributor or work team-member across humanity or society in general.  It’s simple, it’s foundational, and you have it all already.  It’s the lifeline of progressive human development, and anybody can do this.  The key question is, why wouldn’t you do this or why are you not doing this, to enhance your value-addition to life, and as well your experience of life?


These five basic skills or qualities of self-empowerment, being observe/watch, listen, ask, read, and write, form the core purpose for going through the schools, and this is all you ever needed, and still do, to manifest your life’s desires.  When it comes to your education and the advancement of your life there is nothing else more valuable to have gained through the school’s system than these basic skills.  Surely, if you paid attention and made the most out of your moment during your early learning days, yours must be a stable and pleasing life experience, despite all the perceived problems in recent human life.  If your journey seems to have veered off-track just remind yourself that you do hold the five basic skills, inside of you, and this will help you to change direction to get back on track.


You are in the right place at the right time!

The good news is that in today’s era, more than any other time in human life, there is no shortage of learning forums.  Learning has become easily accessible to most sections of the global village, largely through technology.  Although most choose to engage the technology as a timewaster, it really is a great opportunity you can employ to enhance your life, if you put your mind to it.   In general, there is a learning forum near where you are, within your reach, which you could utilize to grow yourself.  Begin now to take that initial step to resuscitate your self-growth and see your journey of life blossom, as you begin to synergize with others to influence life in the best possible way.  If not you, then who?




 Do you want better in life? Have you any desires to accomplish and feel fulfilled in your experience of life?  If so, let’s go together and reach far!  Please share your views in the comments section if you can.  Long live to you!



More About Dr. Ben Modie

The core mission of Dr. Ben Modie is to provide motivational education on personal development.  This is with the aim to inspire others to embrace the learning process, so they can develop and grow themselves to live a structured life that is anchored on personal strategic foundations, such as purpose, mission, and vision.  The ultimate goal is to foster a long-term, effective, and fulfilling life experience.


Through his life project the Centre for Knowledge (CfK), extracted from a personal strategic plan, Dr. Ben Modie creates motivational content that is provided through presentations, seminars, and workshops at schools, work organisations, and public places.  In addition, Dr. Ben Modie also makes available educational content through books, social media, and blog posts.  


For more on Dr. Ben Modie you can get in touch through email at or  Alternatively, you can search social media @Benson Modie.


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