
Showing posts from May, 2024

How to Mould Yourself into a Quality Human Brick

  How to Mould Yourself into a Quality Human Brick >>   Back to basics with education and self-growth! The foundation to self-moulding begins with you appreciating the principle of education at its basic form.   In other words, not just formal education, but rather in the sense that we all have the natural ability to learn something new, gain understanding and knowledge, and then apply this to create solutions to meet all our needs in life.   The password to transforming yourself into a quality human brick begins with embracing education and putting emphasis first on the area of personal development and self-growth.   This way will make it possible for you to become fully aware of your natural inborn abilities, as well as understand how you can tap into your natural realm to engage in life, in an effective, worthy, and fulfilling way.   Your self-growth alone will allow you to see an endless abundance of opportunities and possibilities, to engage in life and create solution

Why You and I Must Step Up for Humanity

  Why You and I Must Step Up for Humanity >>   My world is your world! Our common vision as humanity, is to live long and fully experience the conditions of peace, love, joy, and happiness.  This, essentially, is what you and I are yearning for in human life but is not happening though.   Such is not at all surprising, but rather strange in that with all our natural might, we are not able to live the lives we desire.  Our world is littered with endless acts that only serve to frustrate any of our efforts intended to reach out for that common vision of peace, love, joy, and happiness.  Human life is deeply engulfed in conflicts, crime, famine, destabilization, disease, just to mention a few of what can be classified as humanity’s Burning Platform.  It's not surprising, as I say, but strange because we all are endowed with endless natural abilities and much potential to make that needed difference, but we are not leveraging on that.   For this, you and I must step up.