The Truth About the Learning Process


The Truth About the Learning Process >>


 You just can’t get there without it!


I really think that the learning process is humanities “lifeline" to getting to the truest and highest level of enlightenment, insight, inspiration, and motivation, capable of catapulting everyone to reach their extra mile.   In life, you just can't get there without first learning to understand and knowing the what, the how, the who, and the where, for example.  Yes, learning isn’t much fun for most, and worse still, there’s a litany of attractive but distracting activities of the modern technology-driven era, as you most probably are aware, and all these proving to be a huge barrier to effective learning.  That the learning process isn’t enticing enough for most to be proactive in their lives, and as well the deafening technology noise of recent times, are two amongst many other factors why I decided to cheer you on with motivational and inspirational education.  My desire is to get you staying on your learning course, so you can reach for your extra mile, because you just can’t get there without the urge to keep on learning.



Why you must be patient with the learning process!


As someone who struggled throughout primary education for over 7 years, who would have expected me to keep going and even end up engaged in a doctoral research study on something called Palynology, which I knew absolutely nothing about then. That I was able to go the extra mile had all to do with trusting in the learning process.  It didn't just work for me, but many others I know, as well others you probably know too.  The learning process is naturally designed to work for everyone, including you.  But there's a catch, you must allow and not impede.  Make available a moment to learn, and genuinely allow yourself to engage.  The all-important fact is that you, rather than anyone else, holds the key, for allowing or disallowing you to open-up and trust in the learning process.




The truth about attending school!


Have you ever wondered why, despite having gone through school and earned your qualifications, but you still find yourself struggling in life, across the board?  It maybe you took it for granted that things will just fall into place once you finish school, and never really got to understand that the lessons you learn at school are only a foundation, upon which you could launch your venture for further education, and your personal development. The key reason we all must go or have had to go through the school systems, is to learn how to learn.  It’s about mastering the basic skills of learning i.e., listen, ask, read, write, and observe, so that going forward then you can continue to learn on your own, whatever and wherever, to shape and enhance your life as you desire.  So, school is just the beginning, and you must leverage those early lessons, to seek for more understanding, knowledge, and wisdom, then you’ll find life less difficult to handle.



A dire need for balancing the equation of the learning process!


By not making a distinction in human development, at the level of an individual, between the need for technical and professional expertise, on one hand, and the need for individual or personal proficiency in self-management, on the other hand, society created a missing link in the education system.   This ultimately resulted in most graduates of the education system failing or struggling to reach highest possible levels of personal productivity and impact in life, across the board.  The formal education system is set or structured in such a way that most learning institutions focus on providing technical skills and other professional abilities, with the assumption that learners, once they have completed their learning programmes, would automatically apply their learning experience to make some great impact in life.  However, because of the missing link of the human element aspect of it, where individuals ought to have been also drilled through in-depth personal or self-management skills, so they can be value-based, principle-based, proactive, and self-driven contributors, not as much outcomes as expected gets to be realized, despite all the efforts from society or across humanity.   The overall impact is that we get too many people struggling, and some turning into anti-life role players, if I may put it that way, across the board in society, which truly takes away or subdues the good in the experience of human life. So, I think it’s more than dire to create synergy, in our human development initiatives, between technical or professional development and personal development, to produce individuals that are holistically well-balanced to serve life in the right way and for the right reasons, and equally, commit even more for their personal experiences and fulfilment in life.




 Do you want better in life? Have you any desires to accomplish and feel fulfilled in your experience of life?  If so, let’s go together and reach far!  Please share your views in the comments section if you can.  Long live to you!



More About Dr. Ben Modie

The core mission of Dr. Ben Modie is to provide motivational education on personal development.  This is with the aim to inspire others to embrace the learning process, so they can develop and grow themselves to live a structured life that is anchored on personal strategic foundations, such as purpose, mission, and vision.  The ultimate goal is to foster a long-term, effective, and fulfilling life experience.


Through his life project the Centre for Knowledge (CfK), extracted from a personal strategic plan, Dr. Ben Modie creates motivational content that is provided through presentations, seminars, and workshops at schools, work organisations, and public places.  In addition, Dr. Ben Modie also makes available educational content through books, social media, and blog posts.  


For more on Dr. Ben Modie you can get in touch through email at or  Alternatively, you can search social media @Benson Modie.


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