How Success is An Outcome of The Learning Process


How Success is An Outcome of The Learning Process >>


You know, my faith in education is beyond conviction, and this is largely a result of my own development through the school system, professional training, and ultimately self-education on personal development.  Reflecting on your own school days you may remember this kid who was in your class, and doing so bad in almost all class works, like reading, writing, numbers etc., and it didn’t look like there was any future going forward along the path of education.  This is a scenario that could so easily fit my situation during earlier days, but I managed to pull through this haze of uncertainty in my educational path.  I later discovered that each time a situation or a need arose, and calling for my response, there’s always only one effective way to manage, and that is the way of seeking first to understand the nature of the situation or need at hand and choosing to learn from the experiences of others, and then act based on knowledge acquired to create solutions. 


Once I got to that level where my reading skills improved, I began to rely heavily on written text i.e. written notes at learning centres, but most importantly from books, to transform and upgrade my mental system.  This approach gave me a confidence boost, as I began to notice that by opening up and embracing the learning process, to seek for solutions, there’s always some progress in terms of creating new and better outcomes in life.  So, I made this a key foundation in my life, which allowed me to stay on course throughout my professional development, which saw me attain a university first degree, followed by a master’s and doctorate degree in earth sciences.  Interestingly, for the latter two programmes I picked on specialities that I had little background on but through learning from books, articles, and as well connecting with other experienced professionals in the field, I was able to succeed in my studies.  In a nutshell, this is where all my conviction on the learning process emanated from, and I believe it’s a universal principle available to all to master and make the most out of life.


If you hold any strong desire to see your life improve in leaps and bounds, so you can get to where you really want to be, there’s only one option for you:

  • Expose yourself to more learning ways!


Do you want to learn more?  Please keep reading below to give your life a chance to grow further and become extraordinary.


“When You Know Better You Do Better”


This is a powerful quote taken from the great Maya Angelou, which essentially sums up the indispensable nature of the learning process.  If you can allow yourself a moment to reminisce over your growth pattern, you’ll notice that life for you became much clearer to understand as you got exposed to different learning experiences, and ultimately you got to a stage where your preferences, interests, as well the choices you needed to make in everyday life, became easier to manage.  All this because you were having to learn some new lessons and ways of doing things, something you didn’t know before, and hence, this clearly underlying the fact that whatever you know now is what you had to learn since your birth time.  The implication here being that going forward, you’ll need to continue learning, if at all you’re to do better in your life.


“In this blog post I seek to emphasize the link between learning and growing your knowledge base, and how the learning process is such a critical path to getting you to your extra mile.”  


If there's one thing that you must never tire of until the end of your time it'll have to be the process of learning, which essentially serves as a trigger to keeping your physiology functional, particularly the cognitive aspect of your being.  Learning about any subject of choice, freely and self-driven, has the effect of setting your spirit on a high, because of learning something new and relevant that enhances the way you've been doing things, and hence makes life feel much better than before.  This is unlike when you have suspended or given up on learning, and you find the going getting tougher and overwhelming, but then choose to just wait and hope, or worse still expect from others to make things better for you.  The latter is an obvious sure recipe for strained human relations and endless conflicts, and ultimately the absence of any long term feel good and fulfilling life experience, and yet the solution can simply be found in the habit of a continuous and life-long learning.  This is one of the key reasons I created my life project, the Centre for Knowledge (CfK), to offer motivational education to help keep your spirit high and on a continual developmental surge, so you can reorganize and transform your life for a much better experience going forward. 


There is no doubt, based on my own experience, that if you keep on exposing yourself to more learning experiences, specifically on what matters most to you, as per your defined needs, you'll begin to experience a great deal of improvement in the way you feel in life.  This though can never be the case if you do not take that necessary step to introduce in your life the habit of a continuous and life-long learning.  There's many who chose to declare themselves fully educated, or with enough education, only based on formal or professional qualifications, but met with daunting and harrowing challenges owing to a lack of other pertinent knowledge and skills, particularly relevant to personal management.  This is where the habit for a continuous and lifelong learning could be most valuable.  Such though requires an inspired drive for one to commit to self-education, as opposed to perhaps relying on others, or places of work, as the main source of influence.


Let me then encourage you at this point to never look back but continue to build on your earlier enthusiasm to want to learn more and improve yourself and your life.  Make sure to schedule some alone time to pay attention to your learning needs.  Get in touch with some relevant reading materials or attend some learning sessions where you can pick one or two lessons to instantly apply to your life.


So then, the only one critical thing to ensure your life keeps in the ascend to reach for your extra mile is the learning process.  You must consider it as just equally important as the process of feeding, without which one can experience a harrowing slow death.  Allow yourself to believe that without any further learning, then your life has reached a plateau, and will never experience any margin of enhancement.  But you can change all of this if you commit to habitualize the following one thing:

  • Get non-stop exposure to learning ways!


Become aware of how you feel about life and catch yourself when you next sense the urge to complain and blame others for your situation.  Know that whatever bothers you is a call-to-action for you to learn and find solutions to meet your needs.  Just develop the habit to always step up for you, in learning ways.


 Do you want better? Have you any desires to accomplish and feel fulfilled in your experience of life?  If so, let’s go together and reach far!  Please share your views in the comments section if you can.  Long live to you!



More About Dr. Ben Modie

The core mission of Dr. Ben Modie is to provide motivational education on personal development.  This is with the aim to inspire others to embrace the learning process, so they can develop and grow themselves to live a structured life that is anchored on personal strategic foundations, such as purpose, mission, and vision.  The ultimate goal is to foster a long-term, effective, and fulfilling life experience.


Through his life project the Centre for Knowledge (CfK), extracted from a personal strategic plan, Dr. Ben Modie creates motivational content that is provided through presentations, seminars, and workshops at schools, work organisations, and public places.  In addition, Dr. Ben Modie also makes available educational content through books, social media, and blog posts.   For more on Dr. Ben Modie you can get in touch through email at or  Alternatively, you can search social media @Benson Modie.


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