
Showing posts from April, 2024

The Truth About the Learning Process

  The Truth About the Learning Process >>     You just can’t get there without it!   I really think that the learning process is humanities “lifeline" to getting to the truest and highest level of enlightenment, insight, inspiration, and motivation, capable of catapulting everyone to reach their extra mile.     In life, you just can't get there without first learning to understand and knowing the what, the how, the who, and the where, for example.  Yes, learning isn’t much fun for most, and worse still, there’s a litany of attractive but distracting activities of the modern technology-driven era , as you most probably are aware, and all these proving to be a huge barrier to effective learning.  That the learning process isn’t enticing enough for most to be proactive in their lives, and as well the deafening technology noise of recent times, are two amongst many other factors why I decided to cheer you on with motivational and inspirational education.  My desire i

How Success is An Outcome of The Learning Process

  How Success is An Outcome of The Learning Process >>   You know, my faith in education is beyond conviction, and this is largely a result of my own development through the school system, professional training, and ultimately self-education on personal development.   Reflecting on your own school days you may remember this kid who was in your class, and doing so bad in almost all class works, like reading, writing, numbers etc., and it didn’t look like there was any future going forward along the path of education.   This is a scenario that could so easily fit my situation during earlier days, but I managed to pull through this haze of uncertainty in my educational path.   I later discovered that each time a situation or a need arose, and calling for my response, there’s always only one effective way to manage, and that is the way of seeking first to understand the nature of the situation or need at hand and choosing to learn from the experiences of others, and then act base