Time to Step Up for You


Time to Step Up for You >>


Just as modern human-life seems inundated with endless and daunting challenges, which for most paints a depressing and hopeless outlook about the future, there’s however always the lighter side of things in life.  If you are feeling that your life seem all gripped in frustrations and hopelessness, and lacking in any notable zeal, then that could just be a signal calling for a change of focus.  Chances are you may be living and stuck on the darker side of things, where you only see problems, failures, difficulties etc.  However, sometimes life has a way to get you entangled in such a dark mess just so you can get your fighting spirit inflated, to break the chains of restraint and eject you to where there is light.  In other words, you can make good out of some form of adversity by seeing it as a catalyst meant to shake your conscience, so you can make conscious contact with the fact that you are already naturally empowered to do well in life, however you desire. 


Become aware that you already have, within, an endless supply of natural power, waiting to be acted upon for a good course.  You must step up to claim that power and use it to overcome whatever pressure and overwhelm of modern human life you may be experiencing.  If life has taught you that there are some “chosen few” who are more deserving, and that you’re no good and without any qualities for success, just consider that a wayward and non-significant view of the typically distractive Ego aspect of the human-self, which we all have.  Just draw your attention to the fact that your own creation was never a failure, and hence you are fully empowered to never fail.  You of course have already made some successes in life, and you only need to build from there, and hence the need to step up and propel your journey further.  Start by appreciating your inner natural qualities and allow yourself the possibility to always learn and immerse yourself in wisdom and enlightenment.


“Without doubt, Education, in its basic and foundational form, where you learn to gain knowledge, and therefrom apply your understanding to create solutions that meet defined needs, remains your only gateway to a flourishing life experience.”


Avoid starting your journey of personal development by comparing yourself with others, and getting centered on their ideas and what they do.  This might completely derail you from your personal vision, even if you haven’t gotten to clarifying and writing/drawing it up yet.   Begin instead with you in mind, like, seek first to understand your true-self desires. Thereafter you can then learn from the experiences of others to seek for solutions that can meet your needs, in getting your journey advancing.


Just as Stephen Covey advised, in his best seller book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People", there's certainly need for you to have a clear picture of the life you desire before engaging in any acts intended to create success.  This is captured in Habit 2 that reads "Begin with the End in Mind".  Hence, through this line of thinking, it is equally key that to be spot-on in living the life you desire, there's need for you to seek first to understand who you are.  Like, what really drives you in life?  What are you passionate about?  What interests, preferences, wishes etc., resonates well with your desires in life?  This way you will ensure that your critical resources, firstly, your living time or moment of existence, and secondly, your money or finances and efforts, are utilized effectively to avoid or minimize waste.  Such is the first major step to build your own culture of order and organisation in life, so you can make it easy for yourself to find your niche and truly enjoy your moment in human life.


So, do step up for you to develop yourself for the advancement of your growth, impact, and fulfilment in human life.  Do you want better?  Let’s go together and reach far!  Please comment below to share your views.   


More About Dr. Ben Modie

The core mission of Dr. Ben Modie is to provide motivational education on personal development.  This is with the aim to inspire others to embrace the learning process, so they can develop and grow themselves to live a structured life that is anchored on personal strategic foundations, such as purpose, mission, and vision.  The ultimate goal is to foster a long-term, effective, and fulfilling life experience.


Through his life project the Centre for Knowledge (CfK), extracted from a personal strategic plan, Dr. Ben Modie creates motivational content that is provided through presentations, seminars, and workshops at schools, work organisations, and public places.  In addition, Dr. Ben Modie also makes available educational content through books, social media, and blog posts.   


For more on Dr. Ben Modie you can get in touch through email at tesbnm@gmail.com or modieb@cfkmotivation.com.  Alternatively, you can search social media @Benson Modie.


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