First Things to Stepping Up for You


First Things to Stepping Up for You >>

Stepping up for you means, firstly, recognising that you have a limited moment to live or to be here on Earth as a human being, and secondly, putting significant effort to ensure that you make the most out of your moment.  You obviously want to live a greatly inspired and joyous life, with a lasting memorable experience.  To get there however, you must first understand and appreciate the fact that things won’t just get better if you don’t step up to get better yourself.  Surely, the longer you wait to step up for you and get yourself better the less time you have remaining to get to that level of living a greatly inspired and joyous life.


So, how do you make it to getting better and ensure to make the most out of your moment then, you may wonder.  You must begin with yourself in mind, and as always, trusting in the learning process.  There is no way you’re going to change things for better if you don’t understand and know, except if you opt for trial-and-error.  This way though you’ll no doubt lose a great deal of your critical resources and risk bringing your journey into a temporarily indefinite halt.   


First things first to beginning with yourself in mind, so you can step up for you, requires that you audit yourself.  Here’s a couple of questions you can direct at yourself to stir up some sense of forward-seeking thoughts and intentions:


i.                    Have you any desires to accomplish and feel fulfilled in life?


The greatest and perhaps priority desire of most, if not all people, is to feel good, and that being the highest level of our greatest experience of life, as humanity.  Feeling good in life is the drawcard to stepping up and get to the next stage of life.  If you have any thoughts of enhancing your experience of life (vision), so you can feel good, then you certainly desire for better in your life.  Just figure out what form exactly this desire can be manifested through, and then work out a plan of action (mission) that’ll get you to step up and begin the creative process.      


ii.                   Do you have the believe that your desires can become a reality?


As the adage from the wise of yesteryear goes “you’ll see it when you believe it”.  Hence, to turn your desire into reality, you must maintain a strong and positive believe on this possibility.  If you believe it’s possible and that you truly are deserving of a better and enhanced experience of life, then you’ll feel driven, and stepping up for you will be an effortless task.


iii.                 Do you realize that only you can rightly step up for you?


What you think, envision, and deem a possibility for an enhanced experience of life, was born and only resides in your mental space.  There’s not anyone else who can sense and feel this possibility but you.  So, don’t expect anybody other than yourself to step up for you.  Do it now, for you. 


iv.                 Do you understand that true success begins with learning about you?


True success demands that you determine your truest desire in life (your vision for a better life), a clear pathway to manifest the desire (your mission), and most importantly, that you inject a sense of meaning in your life (your purpose for being).  To make conscious contact with your vision, mission, and purpose, requires that you undertake a personal development learning process.  If you don’t prioritize learning about you, you’ll forever be handicapped in critical qualities of personal effectiveness and productivity, such as self-leadership, self-organisation, self-drive, self-management etc., which no sector of life can thrive without.  


Notice that when you step up for you, it’s not just for you, but it’s for the good of human life.  As you may be aware, every human being forms a single brick that builds humanity.  If we can all step up for us and become better than we have always been, imagine how much that would do to our thrive as humanity.




Do you want better? Have you any desires to accomplish and feel fulfilled in your experience of life?  If so, let’s go together and reach far!  Please share your views if you can.  Long live to you.


More About Dr. Ben Modie

The core mission of Dr. Ben Modie is to provide motivational education on personal development.  This is with the aim to inspire others to embrace the learning process, so they can develop and grow themselves to live a structured life that is anchored on personal strategic foundations, such as purpose, mission, and vision.  The ultimate goal is to foster a long-term, effective, and fulfilling life experience.


Through his life project the Centre for Knowledge (CfK), extracted from a personal strategic plan, Dr. Ben Modie creates motivational content that is provided through presentations, seminars, and workshops at schools, work organisations, and public places.  In addition, Dr. Ben Modie also makes available educational content through books, social media, and blog posts.   


For more on Dr. Ben Modie you can get in touch through email at or  Alternatively, you can search social media @Benson Modie.


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