
Showing posts from March, 2024

First Things to Stepping Up for You

  First Things to Stepping Up for You >> Stepping up for you means, firstly, recognising that you have a limited moment to live or to be here on Earth as a human being, and secondly, putting significant effort to ensure that you make the most out of your moment.   You obviously want to live a greatly inspired and joyous life, with a lasting memorable experience.   To get there however, you must first understand and appreciate the fact that things won’t just get better if you don’t step up to get better yourself.   Surely, the longer you wait to step up for you and get yourself better the less time you have remaining to get to that level of living a greatly inspired and joyous life.   So, how do you make it to getting better and ensure to make the most out of your moment then, you may wonder.   You must begin with yourself in mind, and as always, trusting in the learning process.   There is no way you’re going to change things for better if you don’t understand and know, exc

Time to Step Up for You

  Time to Step Up for You >>   Just as modern human-life seems inundated with endless and daunting challenges, which for most paints a depressing and hopeless outlook about the future, there’s however always the lighter side of things in life.  If you are feeling that your life seem all gripped in frustrations and hopelessness, and lacking in any notable zeal, then that could just be a signal calling for a change of focus.  Chances are you may be living and stuck on the darker side of things, where you only see problems, failures, difficulties etc.  However, sometimes life has a way to get you entangled in such a dark mess just so you can get your fighting spirit inflated, to break the chains of restraint and eject you to where there is light.  In other words, you can make good out of some form of adversity by seeing it as a catalyst meant to shake your conscience, so you can make conscious contact with the fact that you are already naturally empowered to do well in life, how


  Welcome >>   Imagine a world where all citizens have the possibility to celebrate and enjoy life to the fullest as desired, without the unfortunate proliferation of bloody, destructive, and wasteful conflicts and wars, which sadly are a normal practice in modern human lifestyles.  Is such an imaginary joyous world a possibility really, you may wonder, given the world we live in today is so devoid of the much sought after conditions of peace, love, joy, and happiness? I think it is possible, though it's something that'll need some tsunami size commitment by everyone to foster the needed change.   No doubt our lifestyles, as humanity, have evolved over long periods of time and ultimately caused us the void of peace, love, joy, and happiness, we're experiencing today.  Surely, there's a case to call for a moment to pause and ponder over some practices we've adopted in our priorities in life and social settings.  That we're struggling, both as humani